What's up with the current state of orders?

Pumba here,

Founder of Dusty Beetles.

First and foremost, Thank You for being here. Thank you for sharing this space and participating in the transmission of this mission.

The past 6 months have been a bit challenging as far as feeding the mission goes. I've been personally going through quite a bit of changes. These changes have made me realize that I ultimately needed to adapt.

One of the biggest changes that I've had to personally adapt to is the fact that selling infused insect snacks creates quite a bit of resistance when it comes to fundraising.

My biggest mission right now is to get Dusty Beetles aligned with our values in the best ways possible. This involves aligning my personal life.

So what am I going to do?

I'm going to ship orders.

It's about time I get Dusty Beetles out of the Ramen & OJ stage. To do that, orders have to get shipped out.

I will refund all currently outstanding orders for anyone who's been waiting for their products for more than 3 weeks. I will also get your order shipped and any recent orders coming in.

If you're reading this, then you know who you are. I got you.

With Gratitude,


P.S. We're gonna be on TikTok Shop ya'll!

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We'll be back!

Tue May 21 2024

Dusty Beetles will be back within the next few weeks. New changes will be coming and some pretty exciting announcements. Pumba

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What are the health benefits of eating insects and increasing chitin in your diet?

Mon Feb 13 2023

Chitin is a naturally occurring polymer & carbohydrate that is found in the exoskeletons of insects and other crustaceans. In various animal studies, including mice chitin has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects, which can help to reduce the risk of infection and promote healing.

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