Why are we pausing infused edible insect sales?

At the moment, Dusty Beetles is facing quite a bit of resistance when it comes to fulfilling our infused orders.

We currently sell insect snacks that are infused with 2018 farm-bill-compliant cannabinoids. From what we understand, there are federally compliant cannabinoids that became legal through the 2018 farm bill. However, there has been much conflict within the industry and we’ve realized that this conflict doesn't serve our purpose at the moment.

It has become quite clear to us that we need to ensure we are fully compliant with federal regulations, and in order to do that, we need to raise funds.

The level we are at currently is not realistic for us to achieve full compliance. So we need change, and change is ultimately the epitome of what we do.

We will NOT disband our infused product line, but we will temporarily pause it until we can ensure complete federal compliance and state compliance, regulatory compliance, and ultimately no conflicts when it comes to selling our infused products.

We will be pausing orders on infused products. We will ship any outstanding orders with hemp-derived cannabinoids within the next few weeks, along with any outstanding subscriptions.

We will be releasing Crookies kits that will make it super easy to make infused cricket cookies.

We will also be announcing whole insect infusion kits that will make it super easy for you to make infused meals that include insects.

We will continue selling non-infused Cheetles & Hot Cheetles. All of our infused products will be temporarily paused.

We are grateful for everyone who has been on this journey. We will continue to serve everyone in the best ways we can.

With gratitude,


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We'll be back!

Tue May 21 2024

Dusty Beetles will be back within the next few weeks. New changes will be coming and some pretty exciting announcements. Pumba

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What are the health benefits of eating insects and increasing chitin in your diet?

Mon Feb 13 2023

Chitin is a naturally occurring polymer & carbohydrate that is found in the exoskeletons of insects and other crustaceans. In various animal studies, including mice chitin has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects, which can help to reduce the risk of infection and promote healing.

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