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Bug Conspiracies Debunked: How Eating Bugs Will Impact Us All in the Next 20 Years

Despite what some conspiracy theorists might say, eating bugs isn't going to be forced upon us by rich elites nor is it going to save the world.

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The Surprising Benefits of Incorporating Insects and Bugs into Your Diet

The thought of eating insects and bugs might make some people squirm, but it's worth considering the benefits of incorporating these little critters into our diets. Here are just a few of the reasons why eating insects and bugs can be a good idea

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Eating bugs, retrofuturism, and a step into the now.

Eating bugs, a delicacy rare, A treat that's loved by many everywhere. Gone are the days of fear and disgust, Now we embrace this edible crustacean as a must.

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Exploring the Benefits of Eating Bugs: Is It Healthy to Eat Beetles?

It’s no secret that insects have been part of the human diet for centuries. It is estimated that over two billion people around the world regularly eat bugs. From crickets to beetles to grasshoppers, insects are a source of protein and nutrition that have been overlooked in the Western world. In recent years, however, there has been a surge of interest in the health benefits of eating bugs. In this blog, I will explore the benefits of eating bugs, from a nutritional and health standpoint. I wil

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Get Ahead of the Curve with Edible Insects Infused with Cannabinoids

Dusty Beetles—the world's first infused insects. That's right, we've taken delicious, nutritious bugs and infused them with cannabinoids like THC and CBD. So not only are they healthy and delicious, but they're also fun!

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