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Let's talk about shipping!

As of right now, Dusty Beetles is going through a point of change. From the beginning, we started from a very frugal and scrappy point. In our inception, we have struggled, had successes, and most importantly kept moving forward.

Right now is a point of change, and we ultimately need to lower resistance in how we handle shipping & batches.

This will allow us to fulfill orders easier and ultimately get the things you desire to you faster.

Here is an outlined procedure for our shipping process.

If you have any questions about your orders, please reach out to us. We love connecting!

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What's up with the current state of orders?

Tue Sep 05 2023

The past 6 months have been a bit challenging as far as feeding the mission goes. I've been personally going through quite a bit of changes. These changes have made me realize that I ultimately needed to adapt.

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Why are we pausing infused edible insect sales?

Thu Aug 17 2023

We currently sell insect snacks that are infused with 2018 farm-bill-compliant cannabinoids.

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